Today I received some fantastic news. This fall I will be the Kaye Guest Artist in Residence at The City College of New York. This much sought after position was obtained through invitation only, and it gives me the opportunity to teach an amazing group of students my unique form of theatre over the course of an entire semester. I also will be performing at the University (more to come on this later), and the students themselves will give a theatrical presentation once the course is completed.

What I’m excited about, in addition to this unique and wonderful opportunity, is the blessing that this position allows. I will be working at an incredible university, preparing for the world premiere of my new play Fetch Clay, Make Man, AND I will be able to be home in New York for the rest of the year, making short trips to England, west coast, and Africa, but nothing too long that pulls me away from the family. It’s a tricky balance as an artist, particularly one that tours extensively. I am grateful for all opportunities that comes my way, but having the space to be creative, expanding career opportunities, AND being with my wife and children is something that is truly golden! Here’s to more opportunities such as these! And here’s to all the wonderful teachers everywhere-where would we be without you!
Zena, what’s up with you in England-what’s the latest?
Will Power